Hot Tub Water Clarity

What are the best things to do to keep your water clean and healthy?

To keep your water clean and healthy the best thing to do is test it regularly. These are my favorite […]

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What causes water to look green?

The primary cause of your water looking green is Algae Growth in you water. The best treatment is to shock […]

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What causes water to look yellow?

The primary cause of your water looking yellow is a low pH reading. The best treatment for this is HT […]

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What causes water to look brown?

The primary cause of your water looking brown is a high mineral content. The best treatment for this is HT […]

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What is the best way to keep your water clear?

Best way to keep your water crystal clear and safe, is easy, test it and correct if necessary. These are […]

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What causes milky water and how do I correct it?

Adding too much pH Up to a spa with a very low pH level or overdosing with a Clarifier can […]

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