Cleaning Your Hot Tub Filters

What is the expected life of a filter cartridge and what can you do to extend the life of a filter cartridge?

This also is a very subjective question. Life of a filter cartridge depends on many variables, frequency of use of […]

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How often should you remove filter cartridges and clean them with the spray on Instant Cartridge Cleaner?

The frequency of cleaning a filter cartridge is based on a few factors, number of bathers, frequency of use, amount […]

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Is it a good idea to use a dish washer, without adding soap, to clean filter cartridges?

A dishwasher will rinse the outer parts of the filter however it will not effectively remove the bather waste (dead […]

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Does using water from a garden hose without applying a filter cleaner solution beneficial?

Rinsing a filter with water only will remove particulates such as dead skin, hair, and other debris; however, to effectively […]

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After we soak and clean a filter is it important to not to put it directly into the water and have it sit on a shelf and dry?

After chemically cleaning and rinsing your filter cartridge it is best to allow the filter media to dry completely. This […]

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